As February unfolds, gardeners across various climates eagerly anticipate the arrival of spring. I’ve posted before about houseplants, but what if you want to grow some veg? While it may seem premature to start thinking about gardening during the cold days of winter, February presents ample opportunities to kickstart your growing season, especially for those with green thumbs itching to get back to the soil. This month offers a prime window to sow seeds and cultivate a variety of fruits and vegetables that thrive in the cooler temperatures of late winter and early spring. Let’s explore some delicious and nutritious options to consider planting in your garden this February.

Leafy Greens

Lettuce: February marks the ideal time to sow lettuce seeds, as these cool-season greens flourish in temperatures ranging from 45°F to 75°F. Opt for varieties like butterhead, romaine, and loose-leaf lettuce, which are quick to mature and can be harvested as baby greens for salads or allowed to reach full size.

Spinach: Another nutrient-rich leafy green that thrives in cool weather, spinach is a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals. Sow spinach seeds directly into well-drained soil and keep the bed consistently moist. With proper care, you’ll be enjoying fresh spinach leaves in salads, smoothies, and cooked dishes within a few weeks.

Root Vegetables

Carrots: February is an excellent time to plant carrots, a versatile and nutritious root vegetable beloved by gardeners of all skill levels. Choose a sunny spot with loose, well-drained soil and sow carrot seeds directly into the ground. Keep the soil evenly moist until germination occurs, then thin seedlings to ensure proper spacing for optimal growth.

Radishes: With their crisp texture and peppery flavour, radishes are a delightful addition to salads, sandwiches, and crudité platters. These fast-growing root vegetables thrive in cooler temperatures and can be ready for harvest in as little as three to four weeks. Sow radish seeds directly into the garden bed and enjoy a bountiful harvest of colourful radishes in no time.


Chives: Chives are one of the earliest herbs to emerge in the spring garden, making them an ideal choice for February planting. These hardy perennials require minimal care and produce slender, onion-flavoured leaves that add a burst of freshness to salads, soups, and garnishes.

Parsley: Whether curly or flat-leafed, parsley is a versatile herb that adds flavour and colour to a wide range of dishes. Start parsley seeds indoors in February or sow them directly into the garden once the soil begins to warm. With regular harvesting, parsley plants will continue to produce lush foliage throughout the growing season.


Strawberries: While strawberries are typically associated with warmer months, certain varieties are well-suited to cooler climates and can be planted as early as February. Choose everbearing or day-neutral strawberry varieties that produce fruit throughout the growing season. Plant strawberries in a sunny location with well-drained soil amended with compost, and mulch around plants to conserve moisture and suppress weeds.

Rhubarb: Rhubarb is a perennial vegetable that thrives in cooler temperatures and produces tart, celery-like stalks that are prized for use in pies, jams, and desserts. Plant rhubarb crowns in February in a sunny to partially shaded location with rich, well-drained soil. Be patient, as rhubarb plants typically take a year or two to become established before they can be harvested.


As the days gradually lengthen and the promise of spring looms on the horizon, February presents an opportune time to get a head start on your garden. By planting a variety of fruits and vegetables that thrive in cooler temperatures, you can enjoy a bounty of fresh, homegrown produce in the months to come. Whether you’re cultivating leafy greens, root vegetables, herbs, or fruits, the possibilities for February gardening are endless. So roll up your sleeves, dig into the soil, and embrace the joys of growing your own food this season. Happy gardening!